Category Archives: Decision cultures

All the efforts that go into protect, mine, enhance the usability of data for better decisions

Why thought leaders need to understand (and avoid) proximity bias

As we start to move more confidently through the world of remote and hybrid working, [...]

In praise of UN Gapminder

Most of us have probably heard of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. They are [...]

Six takeaways for thought leaders from Neural Impact’s work

Neural Impact is a boutique consultancy based in British Columbia, Canada. It works only within [...]

Making marketing shoppable: all you need to know about Adimo

Marketing technology firm Adimo describes itself as ‘making marketing shoppable’. It was founded in Glasgow [...]

Why data literacy is the north star for analytics adoption

A key attribute of the coronavirus pandemic has been the role of data in developing [...]

Will Mural be the answer to your collaboration needs?

The current wave of enforced working from home is accelerating the adoption of digital tools [...]

Crossing the AI chasm: risk, enthusiasm and a way to move forward

When it comes to introducing artificial intelligence (AI), there is a gulf opening up in [...]

Is gamification finally finding its stride with business operations?

Gamification is the use of games to encourage particular behaviours, such as an app that [...]

Re-thinking organisations: time for self-service decisions

The benefits of ‘intrapreneurs’, self-organisation and innovation labs have forced many companies to rethink how [...]

When two letters make a huge difference: digitalisation vs. digitisation

There are plenty of jokes told at weddings about the phrases that make for happy [...]

Getting to the heart of the matter: using conjoint analysis

Clifford Stoll, the American astronomer and author, once said “Data is not information, information is [...]

From dashboard to storyboard

Dashboards represent concepts and management tools, and the idea is one  we revisit from time [...]

How Internet of Things (IoT) will change the way that we work

Ever since the invention of the wheel, technology has been changing the way that we [...]

A new symbiosis: humans and machines in cooperation

Almost twenty years ago, Garry Kasparov was beaten at chess by a computer. People started [...]

Hadoop on massive clusters drive social business

Apache Hadoop itself is a ‘software library is a framework that allows for the distributed [...]

Druva adds sharing and collaboration to enterprise BYOD management

Druva has launched its software – a peer-to-peer application allowing users to share files. While [...]

HP stretches across the information management spectrum

Information optimisation is one of three streams that represent HP’s go-to-market leads, the others are [...]

Second look: TIBCO has a few surprises up its sleeve

Under the umbrella of its event enabled enterprise portfolio branding, TIBCO is charging ahead with [...]

Debriefing Software delivering storage management as SaaS

A good start for a business idea is to spot a good niche. One such [...]

The formation of the new business analytics

Business Analytics and Big Data are the next big things judging by the IT industry’s [...]

Scrambling for SSD

The SSD market is very active because it combines a number of factors: new suppliers, [...]

Avere invigorates NAS storage

Avere Systems provides NAS optimisation disk arrays and was founded in 2008. The Avere proposition [...]

The Magic of Six Revolutions

Twenty years ago, in 1997, Irving Fang published a book on the history of mass [...]

ownCloud adds control and compliance to sync and share

ownCloud’s execs Markus Rex and Matt Richards recognise the importance Dropbox has had in redefining [...]

Syncsort reinvents itself as a Big Data company

Syncsort is not exactly a new IT company, but with a new focus on Big Data [...]

HDS pursues storage hypervisors on a rich set of features

HDS was one of the first high-end disk array vendors to launch multi-vendor support in [...]

Tintri – optimising VMware arrays

Tintri was founded in 2008 and produces disk arrays for virtualisation. The company’s VMstore appliance [...]

NetApp – And the array based storage hypervisor model

The NetApp storage hypervisor model fits into the array segment in our view of how [...]

Nimble Storage – Innovation in storage tiers

Nimble Storage is a new vendor and has a new take on delivering better storage [...]

Actifio suggests disruption in storage

Actifio is a new vendor proposing that it has the potential to cause disruption to [...]

Amplidata – Object Storage as Appliances

Amplidata is a private company founded in Belgium in 2008 that since moved its HQ [...]

On the Appropriation of Data

The appropriation of data is what data architects and IT vendors hope will become easier, [...]

Cloudera – Enterprise Arm of Open source

Cloudera is a vendor of an enterprise distribution of Hadoop. It also provides additional software [...]

Caringo – Software Object Storage

A section of the activity comes under the banner of Object Addressed Storage. One vendor [...]

Budding Innovation in Data Intelligence

The market for new vendors operating in the area of storage is budding.

Object Matrix – focused on its niche

Object Matrix is a UK based IT company that develops tier-2 data appliances aimed at [...]

Druva – De-duped laptop backup

Druva Software is a 4 year old company launched in India to deliver smarter laptop [...]

Datastores – the future of intelligent data

The term datastores is emerging in public debate. It has a number of meanings, so [...]

Asigra integrates backup in the cloud

Asigra develops and provides backup and recovery solutions for service providers to deploy and sell. Asigra [...]

VISION Cloud Aims to Sort Out Storage

  Customer scepticism is often proportional to the amount of hyperbole created in the IT [...]

Big Data – Poor Label

The IT industry sometimes chooses to name concepts and trends badly. 'Cloud' is not exactly [...]

Nexenta – Opening Up Arrays

The Nexenta product proposition is simple: buy your disk arrays as software loaded onto commodity [...]

Autonomy Buys Iron Mountain Digital

Today Autonomy announced that it is acquiring Iron Mountain Digital’ assets. This means a couple [...]

Backup or DR?

This blog post applies to situations where DR does not involve instant fail-over. Having been [...]

Business Continuity

Mostly I am happy for people to use the Business Continuity (BC) definition loosely, because [...]

The art of asking the right questions

In Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, researchers discovered that the answer to [...]