Category Archives: Competence governance

Exploring organisations are managing skills gaps in modern workstreams such as crowdsourcing, remote working, flexible working and accelerator programmes.

Learning in an era of lifelong learning, agile and digital transformation

If there is one constant in our current world, it is the speed of change. [...]

Personality types, job compatibilities and lessons from the horticultural world

Overheard: a conversation between two gardeners working in a local community. One weeds the flower [...]

Five takeaways from Andrea Howe’s trust work

Trust is the foundation of almost every good relationship. Whether business or personal, a solid, [...]

The knowledge management paradox – wildflower meadow or designed landscape?

Wildflower meadows and verges were everywhere in 2021. Many councils are chosing to seed verges [...]

Takeaways from the AI translators for communications roundtable

This week we sat down with Author Mieke De Ketelaere to discuss how AI can [...]

Re-framing opportunities: why thought leaders may want to coach their sales partners

One of the biggest changes in the world of work in the last ten years [...]

Demystifying artificial intelligence: why we need AI ‘translators’

Like it or not, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more ubiquitous. Algorithms are increasingly being [...]

Six takeaways from Brian Souza’s The Weekly Coaching Conversation

On the face of it, a book called The Weekly Coaching Conversation is not the [...]

Quantum computing – the basics everyone should understand

There are two main schools of thought in physics: conventional or Newtonian physics and quantum [...]

Coaching vs. mentoring: finding the ‘sweet spot’

One of the questions that we are often asked is about the difference between coaching [...]

Expertise driven conversations: the growth mindset edition

Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? They agreed to a race, and [...]

The tricky art of customer centricity

Famously, early twentieth century retailers Harry Gordon Selfridge, John Wanamaker and Marshall Field coined the [...]

How deep is your digital mindset?

One of the biggest changes for many people during 2020 has been the huge increase [...]

What ‘red teams’ can teach the agile community

‘War games’ are military exercises that are used to test or improve tactics and strategy [...]

Learning to re-learn: developing your coachability

Let’s start with a question: How hard do you find it to admit that you [...]

Why every (market) research project should start with a strong hypothesis

At school, if you studied science, you probably came across the concept of a research [...]

What every tech practitioner should know about the IFIP

IFIP is the International Federation for Information Processing. By its own admission, and according to [...]

Getting the most out of Skills You Need

Few of us these days have the luxury of ‘being sent on a course’ when [...]

It’s still about skills

A recent survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit found that 75% of companies surveyed were [...]

Are datacentres losing the war for talent?

The second Cassini Club Roundtable themed “Stone Age Thinking, Second Machine Age Challenges” was held on Wednesday [...]

Is your data centre skills audit fit for purpose?

As part of the preparation for our upcoming Cassini Club Roundtable on skills, we have [...]

Using social media for employer branding

Social media is changing the way that we operate, both at work and at home. [...]

CIO Survey 2014: Optimism, importance and skills

An excerpt of a post published elsewhere. A link to the original is at the [...]

The rise and rise of the Chief Data Officer

You know there’s something important going on when a phrase appears with initial capitals. Like [...]

Entrepreneurs in Residence: Cisco re-invents support for start-ups

We’ve written before about changes to the landscape of start-ups. We mentioned the existence of [...]

In pursuit of perspective: Women’s Directorship Programme

Historically, there have always been far fewer women than men in boardrooms, and a lot [...]

A socially-responsible approach to crowd-sourcing: MobileWorks

The world of work is becoming increasingly flexible. More and more workers are choosing to [...]

Talent, the globalising workforce and telework

It is clear we are all working remotely more often. Better access to broadband, cloud [...]

Why crowdsourcing became mainstream

One of the most astonishing changes in ways of working that companies need to understand [...]

Disrupting the start-up landscape

It seems hardly a day goes by without some new technology start-up being lauded as [...]

Machine to machine (M2M) connectivity – thought leaders yet to emerge

As an integral part of the Internet of Things, we believe machine to machine (M2M) [...]